How to pass OpsCode Chef certifications

Finally, I passed my third Chef certification exam, Deploying cookbooks badge, yesterday. So, I've passed the following exams:

  1. Basic fluency badge
  2. Local cookbook development badge
  3. Deploying cookbooks badge

Exam Format
The assessments are a blend of multiple choice questions and performance scenarios where you will work with Chef to meet specific objectives. You are given 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Exam guides:

A perfect learning path for those who are going to take Chef exams:

  1. Have a look at Chef's official documentation -
  2. Exam guides - you must check the exam guides above for sure
  3. Chef learning website -
  4. Google some blogs with tips - For instance, awesome work done by Annie -
  5. My github notes inspired by Annie
  6. Practice - try out a free lesson on learning portal -
  7. Last but not least try my super quizlet cards! :)
    Local cookbook development
    Deploying cookbooks badge

Good luck!